Appointment Instructions

Before Your Appointment

Before your appointment, we will send you a link by email or on your mobile phone. This will allow you to access your details on our patient’s portal. You can update your personal details, medical history, and sign any forms required. That way, it reduces your time at the reception on arrival. When you arrive at the clinic, you can let us know you are here through the portal, or you can phone us from your mobile. If you do not have access to a phone, please knock on the front door. The front door will be locked, and no access will be allowed if you do not have an appointment. If you want to make an appointment, please give us a ring on 0116 2721800.

If you do not have the facilities to access the patient’s portal, we can update your details and medical history over the phone before your appointment, and if you are happy for us to sign your medical history form, we will do it for you.

If you cannot keep your appointment, please give us as much notice as possible so we can give the appointment to someone else. We have a long waiting list after the lockdown.

Before You Set Off

  •  Make sure you have no signs or symptoms of COVID-19, i.e no temperature, cough and loss of smell or taste.
  • Make sure you have eaten, and keep hydrated.
  • Clean your teeth.
  • Bring your own face mask if possible.
  • Only bring what is necessary into the practice.
  •  If you are exempt for NHS treatment, bring any proof/certificate you may have.
  • Come on your own if you can. Children under 16 must be accompanied.
  • Try and be on time.

On Arrival

  •  Notify the reception that you have arrived by phone or knock on the front door. You can either call the practice on 01162721800 or 07947586545. 
  •  Please wash your hands with the sanitiser at the entrance.
  •  We will ask you to complete and sign any outstanding forms.
  •  Payment for your treatment will be made upon arrival, and contactless payment will be preferred.

After Treatment is Finished

  •  If you have to make an appointment, we will try and book it in the surgery before you leave.
  •  If you do not have to come back, you can go straight out.
  •  Please wash your hands with sanitiser on exit.
  •  If you forget any instructions, or want to ask any questions, you can always ring us back.
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